The intensity of eclipse season will arrive like the eye of a god peering down upon us from the heavens. For thousands of years, humanity has looked to the skies to understand powerful cosmic forces and omens and symbols from the divine. This week, a solar eclipse in Aries arrives on April 19. But in truth, we’ve been feeling the energy approach like a mighty electrical storm for weeks already. This is the first eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis, and we will watch as many more come from now until 2025. Eclipses announce that destiny has arrived, rapidly forcing us to evolve to the next level. Expect powerful shifts of fate, sudden new beginnings, and whiplash every which way. Solar eclipses mark powerful new eras. MANTRA I surrender to change and am unafraid. ZODIAC SIGN RATINGS This week’s energy will mark major new beginnings for all zodiac signs, but three will be especially affected: Aries, Cancer, and Libra. Exciting, destined fresh starts await. Aries will welcome a new dawning for their entire lives, as they will be propelled to explore a new version of... |