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Your AI-Driven Open XDR Insights

June Newsletter

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Stellar Cyber:
Don’t Click It - Pitch It!

Stellar Cyber has launched a nonprofit initiative, "Don’t Click It, Pitch It!," in collaboration with Minor League Baseball teams to educate 5 million teens about cybersecurity by 2030. This program aims to raise awareness about recognizing and preventing cyberattacks, focusing on teens and young adults who are highly vulnerable to identity theft and other cyber threats. 


Blog of the Month: Building Resilient Cybersecurity Frameworks

Significant mergers and acquisitions in the cybersecurity market, including Exabeam merging with LogRhythm and Palo Alto Networks acquiring QRadar Cloud SIEM, highlight the need for a resilient cybersecurity framework. This framework should balance technology, people, and processes, emphasizing neutrality, flexibility, and automation to adapt to market changes and maintain security effectiveness.

If you know someone planning SIEM initiatives this year, let them know we're offering financial incentives to support their transition to a new strategic vendor. 


Breaking News: Cortex XSOAR Integrates with Open XDR

Stellar Cyber now Integrates with Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR to speed cybersecurity investigation workflow process from end-to-end. Our AI-driven open platform is all about protecting your existing investments and future choices in security tools.


BrightTalk: Ten Open XDR Insights Episodes & Counting

From GRC best practices and how to be ready for the new SEC regulations, to Generative AI and what the Secret Service wants you to know about new cybersecurity threats. 

Check out the latest episode an engaging conversation with David Bentz (ex-Secret Service) on our BrightTalk channel.

We hope to see you soon!

We will attend many events and hope to meet you soon. If you're attending any of the following events, stop by and say hi!

August 3-8 - Black Hat USA 2024, Las Vegas

August 15 - FutureCon Cybersecurity Conference, Salt Lake City

August 22 - Cybersecurity Summit, Portland

September 16-19 - MSP Summit (ChannelFutures), Atlanta

September 19 - Cybersecurity Summit, NYC

September 27 - Cybersecurity Summit, Philly

October 10 - California Cybersecurity Education Summit, Sacramento

October 17 - FutureCon Cybersecurity Conference, San Diego

October 19 - BSides, NYC

October 21- 24 - EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, San Antonio


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