Cancer Health Email Update
Kick Off Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month With ACS’s New Risk Assessment Tool
The American Cancer Society’s new educational resource—CancerRisk260—empowers individuals to reduce cancer risk, including colorectal cancer, and support overall health.
World Series Champ Bobby Jenks Undergoing Stomach Cancer Treatment
Ex-White Sox closer Bobby Jenks is being treated for stage 4 adenocarcinoma, the most common form of stomach cancer.
#Colon Cancer
For men and women combined, colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths (after lung cancer). Click here to read our collection of related articles.
How Patient Navigators Can Help You Get Through a Cancer Journey
Patient navigators improve patient satisfaction, speed effective care, reduce health disparities and save money. Why aren’t there more of them?
With RFK Jr. in Charge, Supplement Makers See Chance To Cash In
The Food and Drug Administration can’t require that supplements be effective before they are sold.
Our Winter 2025 Issue Is Out!
Click here to read all the content in our latest print issue, including the cover profile on Ben Nathanson, who blogs about metastatic prostate cancer. And don’t miss our feature on oncology patient navigators and how they can help on your journey.
Healthy Recipe: Portobello Mushroom Burger
Mushrooms are rich in vitamins and minerals like selenium, an important antioxidant for metabolic health.
Menthol Flavored Cigarette Smoking Increases Mortality Risk vs. Non-Menthol Cigarettes
American Cancer Society researchers stress quitting all cigarettes to reduce health risks

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