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Woman explains why pants size doesn't matter in viral Facebook post
Deena Shoemaker's inspiring Facebook post about body image and the role that clothing sizes play has gone viral.
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Khloe Kardashian shares advice for a healthy lifestyle and body image
Khloe Kardashian reveals that she's now in a healthier place with her body and her self esteem in an interview with Health magazine.
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Perfect gift ideas for your mailman and other people who help all year
From your helpful neighbor to your favorite cashier, there are people who make your life just a bit easier all year. Lifestyle expert JJ Keras joins Kathie Lee and Hoda with great gift ideas to thank them at the holidays, and clever ways to surprise folks like your letter carrier, baby sitter and dog groomer.
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How to easily unclog a drain without calling a plumber
Before you call a plumber, try our easy tip for unclogging a drain using only hot water, baking soda and vinegar.
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What can and can't go in a microwave? An expert reveals the answers
Ever wonder if wax paper, aluminum foil or Styrofoam can go in a microwave? We've got the answers to all these and more.
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11 family members share stories of kindness about a loved one
It's the month of giving! With the holidays quickly approaching just around the corner, this season reminds us of the gift of giving.
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This children's cancer doctor will send you a rock in exchange for a donation
Inspired by Nordstrom, this doctor has pledged to send a rock to anyone who donates $85 to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.
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John Goodman joins Alec Baldwin for latest 'SNL' Donald Trump sketch
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Teen works through injuries at Chick-fil-A so he can help feed the homeless
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Love Festivus? Here are 7 fun-usual holiday traditions for the rest of us
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