J. Krishnamurti Online

Will action come about through explanations?

"So to look at 'what is', and how you look at it, is of the highest importance. That's the only thing that matters. Either you look at it from a particular point of view, with your particular vested interest, economically or ideologically, your vested interest in them, either you look at them from a particular conclusion, from a particular prejudice, from a particular experience, and so there is a division between you and the thing which is. Is this clear? And when there is division there must be inevitably conflict. And the explanation of the conflict has no value. What has value is to see how you look, to be aware of your prejudice which is preventing you from looking. So if you listen to this really seriously, the old pattern is wiped away, you will never again look from a fragment, because we are concerned with the whole of life - the whole of life, the physical, the economic, the social relationship, enjoyment, pleasure, the reality of life - if there is any reality - to find out something beyond all thought, all imagination, what is death, what is love, what is fear, and to see if the mind can go beyond all this. We are concerned with the whole movement of life, not one segment of it. And when there are revolutions, physical revolutions, they are only concerned with a part of it; and when there are revolutions you are bound to end up with dictatorship, with a tyranny, and the battle again begins to be free of the tyranny."

– J. Krishnamurti
Public Talk 1
Saanen, Switzerland - 16 July 1970


Organisations have not saved man

Public Talk 1
Madras (Chennai), India
December 31, 1978

There is outer and inner fragmentation. Who is going to change man? Have organisations of any kind helped?

To go very far we must begin very near, which is with ourselves.

Is one aware of one's thoughts, feelings, fears and pleasures?

Can one listen purely, without any distortion? Is there a responsibility to listen to the world and to your own anxiety and sorrow?

Can you observe without any prejudice? To learn, mustn’t the brain be free of knowledge?

What is action in your life?

In relationship, has knowledge any place at all? Can the brain only register what is necessary?


Is it possible to be totally free of influence?

Brockwood Park, England
Public Q&A 1

Is it possible to be totally free of influence, to find the origin, the beginning of all things?

Q1: Is there a faculty to see that there is no path to truth outside myself? What will give me the need, the energy to move in this direction? 

Q2: I am afraid to change. If I change, what will happen afterwards? 

Q3: How does one meet aggression and psychological attack from a close relative from whom one cannot escape?

Q4: What do you say to people who seem to pick parts of what you say that fits their problems or interest and then discard the rest?

Q5: There are many accounts of people following a particular discipline who come upon the immeasurable. Are they self-deluded, or have they come to this somehow despite their efforts? 


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