White Papers
From MediaPost Advertisers
New Selections Available For Download
Navigating the Amazon Ecosystem

Amazon's media business has evolved and grown at breakneck speed, and whether it's a new UI or unveiling different ad types, the only thing that stays the same with Amazon is that it's constantly changing. By sharing experiences, lessons learned, and best practices from across PMG's team of Amazon advertisers, we've provided a roadmap for marketers on how to work their way through the labyrinth of Amazon's advertising services - from headline search ads to brand stores' best practices, tips for the holiday season, and the specifics on Amazon's attribution windows and API integration.

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Bridge the Gap between TV and Digital
Bridge the Gap between TV and Digital
Read our whitepaper to learn:
  • How Cast can help you connect new digital media to traditional TV ads in your campaigns
  • Why increasing the connectivity of your channels will lead to a virtuous cycle of value
  • How an American department store reached their audience with connected TV and digital ads
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Relevance is Everything: Personalizing Ads Based on Location and Purchase Behavior Can Boost ROAS 4X

According to eMarketer, over half of U.S. companies use some form of multi-channel attribution to measure campaigns, but only 8 percent of client-side marketers have combined customer data from multiple databases. The pressure on marketers to justify their marketing spend is increasing, and attribution modeling is becoming a higher priority.

Unfortunately, current attribution models aren't able to provide a full view of the online and offline purchase journey.

This white paper from IRI explores the various types of attribution models available in the market and demonstrates why a hybrid cross-channel multi-touch attribution model is the ideal approach for today's CPG marketers.


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