0DTE stands for zero days to expiration. Which means you basically trade an option on expiration day. At the end of the day, the option is done trading. 1DTE means the option will expire tomorrow. Traders love both, but 0DTE gets more love. Because traders believe that they don’t have any overnight risk in 0DTE. While that is true, there are much greater risks that they are unaware of. I’ve been looking into both very heavily lately and have written a report that explains the differences and shows you how you can get started trading them. Get the report here You will also learn: WHAT to trade, HOW to trade it, WHEN to trade… The best, time tested (with real money) trading strategy to use with weekly options for the greatest gains and least risk. The Pro Trader’s secret on how to never get assigned (even if the short option goes into the money). The Money Management Principles allow you to earn above average returns and sleep at night. Why having a high Probability of Profit is NOT enough (very common mistake)…and how to increase the odds in your favor even more. The report is free. I hope it helps you! Allen |