The latest insights from CDP, the global environmental disclosure system

2020 is a critical year for policymakers, businesses and investors to take action to limit the dangerous impacts of global warming. Last week, as international leaders gather in Davos for the 49th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, CDP recognized the role the private sector has to play in leading the shift to a sustainable economy. The latest CDP Climate A List celebrates the companies blazing the trail on corporate climate action and transparency. Businesses in every market worldwide must follow the example set by A List companies. By measuring and reporting their progress to CDP and setting ambitious science-based targets, business leaders can take bold action to build a climate-secure future.

The CDP Climate A List – leading the corporate response to climate change:

Measuring your impact is a crucial step towards mitigating climate risks. That’s why each year CDP scores thousands of companies from A-D on the quality of their disclosure. Of the 8,000 companies that disclosed in 2019, 179 earned a position on our Climate A List, setting themselves apart as pioneering companies leading on environmental transparency and performance. Find out which companies are being recognised with a place on our A List.


Companies reaping the benefits from disclosure

With disclosure moving into the mainstream, we spoke to Climate A Listers L’Oréal and Ørsted, alongside investment management giant Hermes, about the benefits disclosing to CDP brings to their businesses.


The Pivotal Moment – the case for setting ambitious 1.5°C aligned science-based targets:

Disclosing gives companies the tools to assess their climate impacts and understand where they must improve. Setting a science-based target offers a roadmap to action – allowing companies to set targets that align them with the latest climate science. In response to the IPCC’s landmark report on the difference between 1.5°C and 2°C, Dr Emily Shuckburgh is calling for companies around the world to step up, and lead to way to a climate-secure future, by setting science-based targets aligned with 1.5°C of warming.


The rise of disclosure

In 2019 over 8,000 companies disclosed to CDP. That’s a 20% increase on the previous year. This represents an unprecedented shift in engagement and highlights how far the transparency movement has come since CDP set out in 2003.


Elsewhere on the web

The role of the private sector in driving the low-carbon transition cannot be overestimated. The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Reuters and Bloomberg offer their insights into the 179 leading companies that earned a place on the CDP Climate A List.

The Wall Street Journal explores tech giant Microsoft’s 1.5°C aligned science-based target, and their pledge to become carbon negative by 2050 while investing US$1 billion in carbon reduction, capture, and removal technologies.

Writing for Ethical Corporation, Bruno Sarda, President of CDP North America, offers his insight into the ‘multi-layered danger’ climate change poses to cities, and, ahead of CDP’s 2019 cities A List, reiterates the urgent needs for cities to step up their action.

Business Insider explores the World Economic Forum’s latest report ‘The Net Zero Challenge’, which used data from over 7,000 companies disclosing on climate to CDP, and calls for companies to up their climate ambition by setting science-based targets


3 February: CDP North America’s A List Celebration will celebrate the CDP A List companies in North America that have made environmental stewardship a fixture of their success and shine a light on how the corporate world is confronting worsening environmental threats. Join us for a celebration to inspire all businesses to aim higher and increase momentum toward a sustainable economy. Find out more.

12 February: Join CDP in a webinar ‘Towards a net-zero future: SBTs, RE100, and EP100 as transition tools for the heavy industry’ in which we will discuss the critical role heavy industry sectors have to play in the low-carbon transition, both within their own operations and across their value chains. We will cover the latest on science-based emissions reduction targets (SBTs), and other key actions including sourcing 100% renewable electricity (RE100), and increasing energy productivity (EP100). Two sessions are available, Register here for our 9AM GMT session, or here for 4:30PM GMT session