Dear John, For nearly 20 years OpenCourseWare has innovated to create and openly share new educational resources from MIT.
In that time more than 200 million learners have accessed OCW worldwide. Learners like Francisco, for whom OCW has meant new possibilities for self-learning: “The main thing that I receive from OCW and that distinguishes it from other sources of education is not the fact that materials and resources are free, but the variety of these and the possibility they provide of exploring different topics on your own and creating a unique path of learning, instead of just adhering to a predefined set of knowledge.” - Francisco, independent learner, Argentina When you donate to OCW that is what your gift supports. A unique path of learning for millions around the world. A variety of materials and resources from videos to problem sets to visualizations and more. Most importantly, your gift supports the continued growth of OCW as well as further resources for learners—like the MIT Open Learning Library—and teachers—like OCW Educator—and insights and stories from MIT for all through the Chalk Radio podcast. If you’re able, please give to OCW today. Thank you for being part of the OCW community. Sincerely, Krishna Krishna Rajagopal Dean for Digital Learning, Open Learning William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics MIT
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