What We’re Getting Wrong About Lizzo’s Juice Cleanse
What We’re Getting Wrong About Lizzo’s Juice Cleanse | As my friends and I dissected our feelings about this last night—talking about how triggered we were to be confronted by weight-loss photos and a detox not backed by legitimate science (more on that in a second)—one thing became abundantly clear to me. Our empathy was missing. I was angry, not because of Lizzo or even *gestures vaguely* diet culture, but because there is a piece of me that still wants to engage with the culture of weight loss. I forgot that even someone as empowered as Lizzo still lives in the same world we all do—a world that tells us fat is wrong, and happiness and inner peace is just a “lifestyle change” away—and that because of that, she is worthy of our empathy and understanding. | | | |