It's Taco Tuesday, readers! It's also Pi Day, but that doesn't lend itself to fun alliterations when you're greeting people. Regardless of what you're eating today, I hope that you enjoy your meal and try not to get crumbs on your keyboard because they're so hard to clean out.
The word of the day today is "symbolism." Politicians in Washington put a lot of stake in it. They often know when a piece of legislation has little to no chance of making it out of committee or passing a vote on the Senate floor, but they'll submit it anyway because it signals something to the people who are watching. In this week's newsletter, we're taking a look at the people and institutions who are sending us some very strong signals about what they want. Will their desires actually come to pass? Who can say? But even if it doesn't, these people are showing us who they are. We should believe them and hold them to account.