What Sparks Poetry: Jessica E. Johnson on "Of Daylight Saving Time, MyFitnessPal, and Indoor/Outdoor Cats" "I want to weave in my long, stubborn opposition to hierarchy, noting how eyes trained on hierarchy and classification will miss what is rich, intricate, and inherently valuable in favor of an arbitrary metric. Rich, intricate, valuable: the adjectives call up the sword fern, mahonia, and yellow stream violet that grow under the tall, broad cedar I love and try to listen to, the whole system around her unsuited to commodification." |
"Carolina Ebeid on 'Punctum / Sawing a Woman in Half'" "Maybe the concepts of distance and in-betweenness have been part of my imagination ever since I was little. As a child when I listened to my father speaking Arabic—a language I never learned—I sensed a peculiar, psychic distance between my listening and his speaking, one that I could cross or not cross, wherein I'd receive his phrases, how they'd come out from that glottal place in the throat. Sounds, not words to my ear." viaPOETRY SOCIETY OF AMERICA |