What Sparks Poetry is a series of original essays that explores experiences and ideas that spark the writing of new poems. In Books We’ve Loved, poets reflect on a book that has been particularly meaningful to them in the last year. Each Monday's delivery brings you a poem from the book and an excerpt from the essay.

To cross scenes out of a text would not be to reject the whole text. Rather, to cross out a figure such as to carry out programmes they approve the various regional economic commissions and inter-governmental bodies sometimes increases the implications. I had hoped to voice my unhappiness in the world thus. More and more, it seems to me the role of the Secretary General in this book is that of an alter ego. In a nightmare, Under Secretaries General, Assistant Secretaries General, and other officials of rank reported directly to me. I was given an office and a globe. But I wondered why the forest just beyond the window seemed so cold when it was, to be sure, rapidly burning.

from the book VOYAGER / University of California Press
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What Sparks Poetry:
Jacob Sheetz-Willard on Srikanth Reddy's Voyager

"Reading Reddy's collection, for me, has a similar effect. In repeating Waldheim's language but stripping back the rhetoric, he insists on a distinction between sound and significance–what's said and what we can intuit beneath the public performance of language. His poetry offers a lesson in the imaginative potential of erasure and the politics of silence."
Headshot of Glenis Redmond
Glenis Redmond Named 2023 Poet Laureate Fellow

"The Fellowship comes with a $ 50 thousand dollar grant to go toward the development of her craft and to create programs that benefit her community. She is partnering with the Metropolitan Arts Council on a project called 'Verse and Visual', tapping 15 local poets who will interpret the visual work of 15 local artists in poetic form."

via WYFF
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