What Sparks Poetry is a series of original essays that explores experiences and ideas that spark the writing of new poems. In Other Arts, poets write about experiences in other arts and the making of poetry. Each Monday's delivery brings you a poem and an excerpt from the essay.

This page is for Jay DeFeo. After dental work she can barely afford even with cash from teaching extra classes, she takes the bridge out of her mouth — paints it  "my model / out of my own head!" — a landscape like the Oakland hills, stunned cluster of late summer blackberries. The canvases look like September smells at night, dry grasses gold in the dark, fine yellow dust sifting up from my steps. What I like best

                                                                    the construct-
                                                                    destruct feature 

                                                                                  from abstract 
                                                                                  to representation  
                                                                    no one can say 
                                                                    moved linearly

the first chance 
to see a Johns retrospective I decline. Instead I spend afternoons in the DeFeo show hung opposite his. Alone with The Rose I bask in its auratic stature & want to stay with Jay, who toughs out years of poverty, bad teeth, worse luck, sexism, & her own character. Six years of paint, stellar rays troweled into two thousand pounds of stony glow spiked with mica: I let them comfort me. Somehow she draws even in hospice, swinging as always between monumental & microscopic, her final still lifes a pink ceramic cup. A friend's gift. The work like the life 

                                           not perfection

                                           but the inevitable

                                           form of the idea

from the book POEM BITTEN BY A MAN / Nightboat Books
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What Sparks Poetry:
Brian Teare on Other Arts

"In exceeding the frame of visual description, ekphrasis in the expanded field refuses to dwell only on the surface experience of visual art — or film or dance or music. Going outside of the frame and beneath the surface, it engages with another art by reconceptualizing and recontextualizing it: in its historical and cultural and subcultural contexts, its critical reception, its making and materials."
Headshot of Saskia Hamilton
"Saskia Hamilton: One's Own Evidence"

"In her introduction to The Dolphin Letters, Hamilton describes letters as partly being 'one’s own evidence' and, in All Souls, she provides just such evidence of the life of her mind, and does so in the face of impossibility, in the company of years. The result is an act of uncovering and recovery, capable at once of holding the different tenses in unity while remembering, and monumentalizing, as they unfolded, 'the good days ahead, the winter gifts / yet to be gifted.'"

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