You ever have the feeling that your product is world-class...
But you’re frustrated because no one understands how great it is...
Or you just can’t get prospects on the phone?
That probably means you’re selling the wrong benefit to the right person...
Or the right product to the wrong person.
Somewhere along the line you have a “message to market mismatch.”
I call this “trying to jam a square peg into a round hole.”
And if you don’t fix it...
It’ll kill your business and your sanity.
For example, a friend of mine sells to government employees... His pitch is all about how his product will help the government employees better serve the people that come to this government department.
But his pitch is falling flat because... it’s the wrong pitch!
Government employees don’t really care about helping people. Government employees care about keeping their government job!
I’m not suggesting the government folks he’s talking to don’t care at all about the people they’re supposed to be helping…
It’s just not the primary driver of their behavior.
My friend has crafted his sales pitch as if he was talking to an entrepreneur — who knows their profits depend on providing value to their marketplace…
Not a government employee who knows they’re getting paid anyway (as long as they remain employed).
And that’s why he’s not getting more sales.
The good thing is that he doesn’t have to change his product...
He just has to change his pitch.
Instead of focusing on the results it delivers for the public… he needs to show how his product will help the government employee improve their job security.
Round peg, round hole.
Over to you...
What’s in your pitch that is forced... and causes your pitch to fail?
How can you adjust your pitch (or the audience you’re delivering it to) so that you sell the right product… and the right benefit… to the right person?
Answer that…
And you’ll watch your sales shoot through the roof.
Let me know how it goes!
Success Loves Speed,
PS - If you’re ready to 2X your income (or more) while working 10 less hours per week...
... Just REPLY to this email with the words “2X 10 LESS” and we'll set up a time to chat with you to find out if we can help.