
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

May 06, 2024

What developers hate

Take a look at this unscientific survey to discover some ways to keep developers happy. A few are even simple. Read more ▶

Image: 10 principles for creating a great developer experience

10 principles for creating a great developer experience

Tech leaders who maximize developer satisfaction and minimize frustration reap the rewards in hiring, retaining, and delivering results from their dev teams.

5 tips for building highly scalable cloud-native apps

Five key innovations allowed us to increase performance, availability, and cost-efficiency with the cloud-native redesign of our Apache Kafka engine. Here’s how it works.

Visual Studio Code smooths branch switching

Latest update addresses long-standing feature request to save and restore editors when switching between source control branches.

Image: Rust adds diagnostic attributes for compiler messages

Rust adds diagnostic attributes for compiler messages

The optional hints allow source code to provide diagnostics even when they are not supported by all compilers.

Microsoft unveils TypeSpec language for API development

High-level definition language allows developers to define an API and then output many different protocols, clients, servers, and documentation, Microsoft said.

Replace Calendar with LocalDate in Java programs

Java's Calendar class had its day, but the newer LocalDate class does much more. Here are seven ways to use LocalDate in your Java programs.

MongoDB Atlas Stream Processing is finally here

At MongoDB.local in New York, the company announced general availabiity of Atlas Stream Processing and other long-awaited features.

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