Today's Headlines
Sunday, September 06, 2020
Half of Christians say sex between consenting adults who are in a committed dating relationship is sometimes or always acceptable, and over half — with the exception of evangelical Protestants — say casual sex is OK, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center.
Christian rocker Zach Williams is gearing up to get back on the road after months in quarantine for a Drive-In Theater Tour with Big Daddy Weave and says this season has helped him to rely on his faith more than ever. 
Pastors John MacArthur and Andy Stanley, who are both influential Christian leaders, presented dueling advice on how churches should respond to government restrictions amid the pandemic this week, with MacArthur urging pastors to open because the supposed need for indefinite lockdowns is a “lie,” while Stanley recommended cooperation.
Video filtering company VidAngel has reached a new settlement in a four-year copyright dispute with Disney, Warner Brothers and other studios, reducing its liability from a $62.4 million jury verdict to now $9.9 million which would allow the streaming company to fully emerge from bankruptcy.
Hundreds of canvassers affiliated with a grassroots campaign dedicated to mobilizing conservative evangelical and Catholic voters have knocked on nearly 1 million doors nationwide in the past month to encourage people to vote for President Donald Trump this November. 
If we are going to fulfill our assignment as the salt of the earth and the light of the world, we need to shift the body of Christ towards a consistent, cohesive, and comprehensive faith. Anything less than this will result in a continual decline of morality in civil society.

If you care about religious liberty, you will want to read this book

VIDE Press

Attacks on religious liberty have escalated across America, particularly over the past few months. Are you concerned about the future of the first amendment as it relates to our free expression of religion? Do you believe the church is in danger of losing the right to worship, pray, and even attend church?

A new book, The Right To Believe, offers thoughtful insight on recent attacks on religious liberty in America and gives solid direction for today’s Christian church. This compelling new book has rocketed to the top of’s “hot new releases!” It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to protect religious freedom. Today more than ever, we need to be on guard for those who want to take away our right to freely worship God. This book succinctly explains why and how.

The first amendment to the United States constitution begins, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …” Fast forward to today, almost 250 years after it was written, and religious freedom is one of the most pressing and controversial issues in American society. The first amendment protects all people equally—Christians, Jews, Muslims, agnostics, and even atheists. It preserves America’s diversity, where people of different faiths, values, and beliefs can peacefully live together without fear of retribution from the government. But some religious organizations, churches, and ministries feel subject to attack by anti-religious forces. They believe efforts to repress religious freedom are not just an attack on individual liberty...Read More

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