Books on the basics of Marxism |
We apologize if you have experienced technical problems at The issue has now been resolved. Happy shopping! All titles are discounted during the Mehring Books holiday sale between 10 and 50 percent. A foundation in Marxism is key to building a mass socialist movement in the working class for 2017. |
Designed for those who are new to Marxism and are looking for a set of writings that will introduce them to the basic concepts and ideas of socialism. It is also a good choice for those who want to add classic works of Marxism to their library. Titles included: The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the United States, Program of the Socialist Equality Party; The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels; Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Frederick Engels; In Defense of the October Revolution by Leon Trotsky; Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin; The Transitional Program by Leon Trotsky. AVAILABLE FOR $17.50 |
Introduction to Trotskyism Bundle Contains The Revolution Betrayed, Trotsky's unsurpassed analysis of Stalinism, and In Defense of Leon Trotsky, David North's defense of Trotsky against contemporary falsifiers. Both of these works are indispensable reading for those wishing to develop an understanding of the significance of the life and work of Trotsky, the co-leader of the Russian Revolution and the indefatigable opponent of Stalin . AVAILABLE FOR $19.95 |
Marxist Economics Bundle Essential writings by Karl Marx on economics, as well as an essay by noted Soviet economist E.A. Preobrazhensky on the problem of socialist construction in the USSR. Titles included are Capital, Vol. 1, Ch. 1; Grundrisse: Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy (unabridged); Forms of Value; and From NEP to Socialism. AVAILABLE FOR $11.70 |
Tsar to Lenin (DVD) Centenary Edition Tsar to Lenin, first released in 1937, ranks among the twentieth century's greatest film documentaries. It presents an extraordinary cinematic account of the Russian Revolution--from the mass uprising which overthrew the centuries-old Tsarist regime in February 1917, to the Bolshevik-led insurrection eight months later that established the first socialist workers' state, and the final victory in 1921 of the new Soviet regime over counter-revolutiona ry forces after a three-year-long civil war. (NTSC format) This 1917 Centenary Edition contains subtitles in: Afrikaans, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sinhala, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish. Only $12.95 plus free domestic US shipping! |
The polemical essays in this volume examine the complex interaction between history, philosophy and politics. The author defends historical materialism against contemporary anti-Marxist philosophical tendencies related to the Frankfurt School and postmodernism. |
This small book compactly outlines the economic, historical and philosophical teachings of Marxism. It is a concise and penetrating explanation of the origins of scientific socialism and how Marxist thought is distinguished from the concepts of earlier socialists. Available now for only $4.95 |
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