Dear John, Transformation is afoot. There are big changes happening in the world on both seen and unseen levels. During these challenging times, as I talk with those who are angry, frightened, anxious, reactive and often emotionally regressed, I’m making a point to focus my time and attention on doing one thing: I listen. I listen carefully and deeply. I listen without plotting a response. I listen while holding my own reactions in check. I listen without needing to teach, inform, or inspire. I listen for much, much longer than I think I should. I listen because I know it’s not only the most loving and helpful way to be of service to others, it’s how I learn and grow, too. Listening is the best advice I can offer you at this time because: People start to heal the moment they feel heard. Love, Cheryl P.S. – I’m happy to let you know that we have a refreshed “Touch of Grace” button on the new website for you to use, and you can find it here. |