New basic webinar on electrical safety including the new standard IEC 62368-1
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| | Dear John, Electrical safety is an important basic requirement under which technology products are approved on the market. It is therefore an integral part of the regulatory tests for certification and the associated market approval. In our new webinar, we will therefore focus on the basics of electrical safety and also address the new standard IEC 62368-1. In addition, we would like to draw your attention once again to our webinar on FCC certification taking place tomorrow and provide you with the latest information on market approval in Vietnam, Serbia and Mexico. Enjoy the read. Your CETECOM Team
| | | The new standard IEC 62368-1 will replace the previous standards IEC 60950-1 and IEC 60065 in the context of electrical safety from December 20, 2020 onwards. We take this change as an opportunity to introduce the basics of electrical safety in our new webinar and to go into detail about the changes that have occurred in the course of the introduction of IEC 62368-1. The free webinar will take place on June 18, 2020. For further information and registration please visit the CETECOM Knowledge Center. |
| | | Webinar: FCC certification for US market approval Last reminder: Sign up today for our FCC certification webinar tomorrow (May 26). |
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