As a young girl, Jennifer Nizza was intrigued by the spiritual realm. Her family often spoke of ghosts, saying they played with the lights in the house and knocked items off of the shelves. Once, her sister told her that she and some friends had played with a Ouija board, which told them which girl would die first. Not long after, that girl died of suicide. Nizza was 12 when she started experiencing what felt like "psychic attacks." She had premonitions and, by 13, had started seeking out tarot card readings and performing her own. By adulthood, Nizza had been identified as a psychic medium and started a divination group. Years into her practice, during a moment of intense fear, she unexpectedly cried out the name of Jesus. "I didn’t know why this name came to my lips," Nizza wrote at CT. "But almost immediately, to use biblical language, I felt a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:7). This began my journey to full Christian faith. I didn’t know I was a sinner in need of a Savior. And I had no idea what the gospel was. But I knew I didn’t want to be a psychic anymore." Now, Nizza has been a Christian for ten years. She left her divination practice behind and has found fulfillment in the person of Jesus. No longer immersed in the darkness, she encourages others to live in the light of Christ. |