When you register to attend Virtual NBJ Summit 2023, you'll enjoy the full NBJ Summit experience including exclusive access to forward-looking business and leadership content. This industry insight is brought to you by top thought leaders and the in-the-know NBJ analysts to help navigate complex business decisions in an uncertain business climate. The educational content presented at NBJ Summit sets the industry standard. 2023 Summit Content Themes Include: The State of the U.S. and Global Nutrition Industry: Valuable data and insights for our industry leaders are highlighted in our popular State-of-the-Industry programming. We'll have expanded sessions on market data, consumer research, M&A activity, and regulatory updates to inform your leadership and business. We will dive into blue ocean opportunities for the years ahead such as brain health, CBD, mushrooms and more. Supply to Shelf: Many vexing supply chain challenges that surfaced during the pandemic are being solved, while others emerge. As lockdowns persisted, DTC seemed like a smart way to go—and brands that already had a working strategy made out handsomely. Yet DTC now needs retail again as consumers settle back into the in-store experience. Brands are ready to move a huge surplus of products. It’s now time to embrace artificial intelligence—learn how to use A.I. as a tool for managing supply chains and driving demand. Growing Business in a State of Volatility: 2023 is already shaping up to be a time of uncertainty. Inflation continues to wreak havoc over all parts of business operations, and increased interest rates have caused additional problems, including investment uncertainty and whether—and how deeply—we’ll experience a recession. The Ukraine war is creating supply shortages and price hikes in certain important sectors. China is, of course, paying attention to how the collective West is contending with Russia. This makes diversifying supply chains more important than ever, with no time to lose. There’s a lot of stress, a bit of paralysis, and the question remains whether brands can still innovate when they’re taking on water Future Accelerants: Innovation is a hallmark of the supplements industry, whether by nutrition science, new ingredient discovery, marketing imagination or the direction of the zeitgeist. One consumer shift is from contending with old-age deterioration to extending health span and longevity. Psychedelic drugs such as psilocybin are being legalized and normalized, especially in micro dosing to address a range of health concerns and optimize mental wellness. AI also stands to improve business, marketing, and supply-chain operations in hitherto unimaginable ways. Yes, 2023 has challenges around volatility, but opportunities are also becoming apparentKeynote Presentations: Our outstanding keynote presenters will speak on agility in a time of volatility, connecting with consumers, being an industry leader and being a force for good. Interact before and during the event on our virtual event platform. Access content afterwards; most sessions can be watched post-event, access to slide decks, and pre-show conten in the weeks leading up to the main event. We would love for you to join us for this exclusive, integrated experience! Review the agenda and register now by clicking the buttons below. |