Read how the example of St. Francis can be our guide as we navigate bitter divisions in our world, our nation—and perhaps even our dinner tables.
Hello John,
In these troubling days, peace is elusive but it is not a lost ideal. The Franciscan vision is a vault of wisdom—whether one is conservative or progressive, religious or agnostic—for pursuing peace during times like these. In my St. Anthony Messenger July/August cover story “Building Peace in a Nation Divided,” I address how St. Francis dared to embrace those well beyond the periphery. He allowed the human heart of the “other” to obliterate his own moral certainty and human temptation to judge. | Stephen Copeland Book Editor, Franciscan Media | I remember when I realized a new age of discourse was upon us. It was mid-November 2016. A contentious election had resulted in the unexpected. And now, as the holidays approached, there was much talk in the progressive circles in which I ran about how to navigate the clashing of political opinions at the table. Many concluded that the most healthy response might be to simply not attend their family’s annual dinner to protect their own mental and emotional health. Of course, I didn’t know each person’s unique situation, but I was nonetheless stunned each time I heard about politics interfering with close relationships. | |