Dear Voornaam,
Have your say on genomic testing with our survey.
If you or someone you have cared for has experienced or is experiencing cancer and received treatment in Victoria, the VCCC Alliance is interested in hearing from you. We are gathering responses via a survey about accessing genomic tumour testing in Victoria.
So what is genomic tumour testing? Genomic tests look at a patient’s tumour sample that is usually taken via a biopsy. The tests analyse the DNA contained in the tumour for any irregular patterns that may indicate a prognosis or point to a particular cancer treatment that would be the most appropriate course of action.
It’s different from a type of genetic testing that looks at an individual’s inherited cancer risk (passed down through families) from normal tissue or blood. Genomic testing is an example of personalised cancer care,which tailors treatments to patients’ exact tumour make-up.
If you haven’t heard of genomic testing, you can still take part because it is really important for the researchers to understand why people may not have accessed testing.
The survey takes about 15-30 minutes to complete (depending on if you have had testing). |