| The Create Your Own Vacation Package travel dates at Universal Orlando Resort have been extended through the end of 2023. Your clients can now enjoy the travel flexibility they deserve, at an exceptional rate. | *Travel now – 12/31/23.
| | Learn all you need to know before your client’s visit by viewing the updated safety guidelines below. | Safety Guidelines › |
All prices, package inclusions & options are subject to availability and to change without notice and additional restrictions may apply. Errors will be corrected where discovered, and Universal Orlando and Universal Parks & Resorts Vacations reserve the right to revoke any stated offer and to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, whether such error is on a website or any print or other advertisement relating to these products and services. Universal Parks & Resorts Vacations is registered with the State of Florida as a seller of travel. Registration number ST-24215. |
Note that any public location where people are present provides an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during your visit. For more information, please visit the CDC website. |
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