Pet Tips (April 26, 2019)

A new pet photo and a helpful tip await you today!

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Today's Featured Post

Using Shredded Junk Mail as Gerbil Bedding

By janet89

Using Shredded Junk Mail as Gerbil Bedding - gerbil nibbling junk mailAfter my son's gerbil chewed up every toy, exercise wheel, and bowl in his cage I decided maybe some junk mail could occupy him. Then it occurred to me, I don't need to purchase bedding for him any more! The junk mail, unwanted credit cards, and anything else with personal information we wanted to dispose of could be shredded by our beloved Herbie.

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Today's Guides
Caring for My Dog After It Has Been Spayed
Dog laying on a bed with a cone on its head.
Great Pyrenees Mix Photos
Great Pyrenees outside in the sun.
Cleaning a Chicken Pen
A chicken pen with a rooster inside.
Remedies for a Puppy With Diarrhea
Sad looking english bulldog with owners hand petting him
Using a Flea Collar
Dog with a Flea Collar
What to Use for Bunny Litter
Today's Posts

ZigZag (Miniature Schnauzer)

By lebo44

ZigZag (Miniature Schnauzer) - closeup of ZigZag's faceZigZag was given to us 3 1/2 years ago. His mother stepped on his leg when he was just a puppy so the breeder couldn't sell him due to his bumleg. He is a great dog.

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Music to Soothe Your Pets

By VeronicaHB

Dog lying on an Americana themed quilt.Listening to soothing music is an excellent stress reducer for humans. The same is true with animals. If your dog has anxiety issues when left alone, leaving classical music playing during your absence can reduce your dog's anxiety.

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Donate Cloth Items to SPCA or Rescue
I have done volunteer work for the SPCA in my younger years. Many little lost or surrendered animals are scared, sick, or hurt. They do not understand being in a cage and being around all of the animals that are barking. These animal shelters will take blankets, stuffed animals, etc.
Homemade Alternative to Bitter Apple Spray
Here are a couple of recipes to make at home as an alternative to bitter apple spray. Use them to discourage inappropriate chewing by your pets.

Answer Questions and Earn!

We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.

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Today's Questions
Identifying Hard Lumps on 3 Week Old Puppy's Face and Neck
My dog just had puppies 3 weeks ago. I noticed a few days ago one of the puppies had hard lumps around its mouth. I have already made the vet appt. for their first visit to get them vaccinated and checked, but it isn't until May 7th. I have called the vet office about this and they are booked into May, but said I can phone every morning to see if I can get in on emergency.
Redbone Coonhound Puppy Has a Knot on His Head
Redbone Coonhound Puppy Has a Knot on His Head - bump
Is My Puppy a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
Is My Puppy a Full Blooded Pit Bull? - black puppy on the seat of a car
Solution for a Roommate's Dog that Barks and Whines in Its Crate
Whenever my roommates leave the house, which is mostly in the early morning for the gym, their dog will bark, yelp, thrash in the kennel, and make so much noise till someone gives the dog attention. I am home alone with the dog at this point so I know I'll need to be the one to train the dog. Any ideas on how to keep the dog quiet after they leave in the mornings?
My 14 Year Old Pit Died Suddenly
Yesterday morning my dad told me that our 14 year old Pit Bull Elsie vomited. I went to clean it up and saw that she had pooped as well. There was more vomit than I'd seen before and she seemed exhausted. I cleaned it all up and petted her. She looked at me, but didn't want to move. I noticed she had a small amount of white foam on her mouth and decided to call the vet.
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