Use strategic thinking to prioritize your efforts | Be willing to embrace change to drive better results | Mastering the art of the one-sentence speech
The most productive workers tend to work smarter instead of harder, says Charles Duhigg. Highly productive people are also more likely to envision potential outcomes of their actions in a very specific way, Duhigg says. Forbes (7/24) Be willing to embrace change to drive better results You must be willing to embrace change to get better results at work, write Kate Sweetman and Shane Cragun. It can be uncomfortable to make changes to your daily routine, but pushing the envelope can help you make big strides in your career. Harvard Business Review online (tiered subscription model) (7/22)
Get with the flow. How payment processing affects cash flow. Cash flow is the lubricant of business. Without a healthy cash flow, business dries up. It stops. It can't function. Which is why it is vital to keep the revenues coming in as the expenses go out. But there's one aspect of cash flow that many of us are not aware of. It is how managing credit cards and other such non-cash payments affect cash flow. Turns out it has a huge affect. Download the free guide today.
Making the Connection
Mastering the art of the one-sentence speech Good speakers must be able to boil their speech down into one short sentence that is memorable and answers the main question, writes Jim Anderson. "If you told it to someone they would have to understand what you are saying and they'd have to be able to repeat it," he writes. The Accidental Communicator (7/19)
Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley decreased employee-compensation budgets an average of 17% in the first half of 2016 to improve profit, according to regulatory filings. Goldman Sachs' reduction was 28%. Bloomberg (7/20)
Your Next Challenge
Use storytelling to impress during job interviews Job seekers should tell stories as they respond to questions at interviews, allowing them to express their capabilities and values in the process, says Gabrielle Dolan. Personal anecdotes can be just as useful as work-related stories for showing employers you have a good attitude and the skills necessary to succeed, Dolan says. Stuff (New Zealand) (7/24)
Balancing Yourself
Research indicates burnout isn't just a modern problem Burnout isn't just a recent concept, but predates the modern workplace, author Anna Katharina Schaffner writes in a new book. Historical figures such as the Roman physician Galen studied conditions that match what we would currently describe as exhaustion from burnout, Schaffner says. BBC (7/22)
Meet Graham, a human for the automobile age The Transport Accident Commission of Victoria, Australia, has commissioned a sculpture showing a human who has evolved to survive auto wrecks. The figure, nicknamed Graham, includes an enlarged skull, a torso padded by rolls of fat and no neck. (7/22)
Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well.