The latest insights from CDP, the global environmental disclosure system Over the past two months, major cities around the world have experienced a series of climate strikes and protests. As public concern grows, cities are feeling the pressure from their citizens to act on the crisis. With many already experiencing the effects of climate change, and scientists warning of increasingly severe consequences to come, it’s clear cities have a pivotal role to play in ensuring the health, safety and quality-of-life of people around the world, by taking immediate and decisive action. | |
Cities at risk: dealing with the pressures of climate change In 2018, 85% of the cities disclosing to CDP - representing a combined population of 517 million – reported on climate hazards. These cities are recognising the near-term risks posed by climate change, with many already facing them. Yet our findings show that long-term risks are notably under-reported. Through a series of infographics and analysis, we’re allowing you to dig into the data, and discover what types of risks cities are expecting to face, alongside the actions they must take to prepare. | |
Investing in urban resilience: Lessons from the Mississippi River This year, the Mississippi River delta experienced record-setting flooding, with the river remaining above flood stage for over 200 consecutive days, resulting in approximately US$2 billion dollars in flood damage. As the effects of climate change continue to be felt, the risk extreme weather events pose to cities around the world is increasing. Our latest blog explores the lessons we can learn from cities based along the Mississippi River, who are working to safeguard their futures, by investing in green infrastructure projects. | |
City Business Climate Alliance Guide - Accelerating Climate Action Cities are the business centres of the world, and both cities and businesses have a critical role to play in the climate fight. The City-Business Climate Alliance is helping the two to collaborate in order to fund projects that will protect our futures. This step-by-step guide designed for cities outlines the 4 phases of working with local businesses to build urban environments that work for people and the planet. | |
Elsewhere on the web Covering less than 2% of the earth’s surface, but accounting for roughly 76% of global CO2 emissions, cities are at the front line of the climate fight. With the threat of climate change already affecting many cities, Bloomberg, Forbes, Reuters and BusinessGreen, CBS News, explore the need for them to step up, and start taking meaningful action to combat their risks. In an open letter printed in the New York Times, 11 leading environmental and sustainable business organizations, of which CDP was one, called on “the CEOs of Corporate America to step up their engagement on climate policy”. Forbes offer their insight on the “new reality” CEO’s must face. If oil companies wish to survive the low-carbon transition, they must pivot towards a more sustainable business model. The Conversation and Ecowatch explore the need for them to shift their investments and create infrastructure for low-carbon fuel. Those with investments in fossil fuels are increasingly feeling the threat of stranded assets. In Japan planned and existing coal capacity could be jeopardized by cheaper renewable energy. Reuters cover a new report by the University of Tokyo, Carbon Tracker and CDP, with findings showing that Japanese consumers could face up to $71 billion in higher power prices due to stranded assets. | |
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Events 12 November: Join CDP Supply Chain’s upcoming webinar, ‘Achieving your science-based target by leveraging supplier engagement’ to hear directly from companies that have set a science-based target, and discover how they are working towards it by leveraging supplier engagement. Register today. 19-21 November: This year CDP is partnering with the Smart City Expo World Congress, where thought leaders and urban experts from around the world will be sharing their insights and ideas on making cities sustainable, liveable and inclusive. Use the code 6F7020E8 for 25% off the Congress/Expo pass. Register today. 20-21 November: The Sustainable Landscapes and Commodities Forum is a two day business conference showcasing and debating real world solutions to the most pressing challenges in commodity supply chains. Register online and use code ‘CDP15’ for a 15% discount on your ticket. Find out more and register here. 5 December: Companies are central to driving renewable energy sector growth which is essential to the transition to a 1.5°C future. Our webinar, ‘Leadership on Renewables: Achieving 100% and Cascading Down the Supply Chain’, will focus on the practical measures of renewable leadership: achieving 100% renewables in your operations and cascading renewables down the supply chain. Register today. | |