Net Neutrality is finally getting it's day in court.


In less than two weeks we'll be facing off against the Trump FCC in court in our legal challenge to restore the Net Neutrality rules. Our lawyers are working around the clock to prep, and we could use your help to get over the finish line.

Chip in $10 (or whatever you can give) to fuel our fight to bring back Net Neutrality.

Thank you!


Free Press Action


We have amazing news: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit just announced that oral arguments in our lawsuit to restore the Net Neutrality rules will take place as scheduled on Feb. 1 — partial government shutdown or not.

That means the legal battle over the FCC’s shameful repeal of Net Neutrality is kicking off in just two weeks.

The government may be shut down, but we certainly aren’t. Donate $10 or whatever you can give today to support our legal team’s preparations in the critical days ahead.

We’ve spent the last 13 months preparing for this day because we refuse to let companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon restrict what we do online and run roughshod over our rights.

Our lawyers are working around the clock to prepare to go toe to toe with the Trump FCC. Your gift today will help us win.

Thanks for your support—

Heather, Carrie, Matt and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. There’s no time to lose and every dollar you donate says “See you in court, Chairman Pai.” Give $10 (or whatever you can) today.

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