Hypothetically, John, if you were to begin asking the world - best friends, complete strangers, or natural born psychics - why some things haven't worked out the way you wanted, how other things got so crazy, or what might be wrong with you (oh, please, no), they'd have answers. Oh, yeah.
Of course, at first they'd be taken aback that you even asked, but they'd hide this so as not to hurt your feelings, quickly accept the authority you surrendered, and then talk their little heads off with reasons, rationale, and insight... glad to be recognized and sincerely happy to be of service. And you'd both be further convinced that you have "issues."
So, let's not ever invent such opportunities.
Always beside you, 
   The Universe

John, my NEW book releases on October 31st! This is my very best material – shared LIVE during my past and present World Tours before tens of thousands of people in 132 cities around the world! 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ® 
I’d rather you just ask them the square root of pi or if they believe in Atlantis, John.
Born to love the life you live…