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December 12, 2016 


The Rise and Fall of the Somali State

Before its civil war, which has been raging for almost three decades, Somalia was, in fact, a strong regional actor. But the Somali state eventually fell victim to its own regional ambitions and to Cold War competition, leading to the disintegration of its institutions. It will remain dependent on foreign support, much as it was before the Somali state collapsed. Read more... 


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Picking Up Where the West Leaves Off

2016 has rattled Western politics to their core. This may give Moscow room to strengthen its influence among the nations in its periphery. 

For more on the U.S. foreign policy implications of a Trump presidency, listen to our post-election podcast episode on the subject. 



A Deadly Urban Battlefield in Mosul 

Now that the fighting has reached the city, the real battle for Mosul has just begun. More than 50 days in, the coalition's best-laid plans have changed, and the Iraqi army is embroiled in a bloody and difficult urban fight.



Putting Grassroots Terrorism in the Proper Perspective

When it comes to claiming attacks, the Islamic State seems to believe in the old advertising adage that there's no such thing as bad publicity. But overplaying the threat can be just as dangerous as underplaying it.



Turkey Maneuvers to Escape Its Dollar Trap

Among Erdogan's ideas to bolster the lira include a concept that, if it works, could lead to a new global reserve. 


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