How does this apply to the current economic climate? NBJ is answering this in two ways: this 3-part video series and an upcoming special report with an unprecedented revision to forecasts. In part one of our three-part series, enjoy downloadable charts and expert commentary on the whys around the survey data from the following industry leaders: Bill Giebler | NBJ’s Director of Content Claire Morton | NBJ’s Senior Industry Analyst Jim Emme | CEO of NOW Foods Adel Villalobos | Founder and CEO of Lief Labs Jill Staib | Co-Founder and Partner of William Hood & Co Part 1 of this series is only $49. Register now and enjoy the convenience of watching it on your own time.
The current economic climate is challenging as inflation precedes a likely recession. The most frequent question we’re receiving right now is, How does this change NBJ predictions and projections? For the first time ever, NBJ is releasing a Special Report: Supplement Market Economy Update 2023. As predictions are shifting we want to provide you with the most up-to-date data so that you can best guide your brand with the current economic trends.
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