By now you're aware that Republican Greg Gianforte defeated Democrat Robert Quist in Montana's special Congressional election to replace President Trump's Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke. [Keep Reading]
Many Americans know the Constitution well -- they understand how it protects their freedoms and paved the way for a great nation to be built. But many more Americans don't know enough about it. How much do you know about the Constitution? [Take the quiz now]
Christians came under attack in Egypt Friday when eight to 10 gunmen dressed in military uniform stormed a bus, killing 26 and injuring 25 others. [Keep Reading]
Vice President Mike Pence has delivered a few collegiate commencement addresses since taking office, most famously at Notre Dame. This morning, the Vice President addressed graduates of the Naval Academy. [Keep Reading]
The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the Trump administrationâs argument to reinstate their travel moratorium on six predominantly Muslim nations cited in the presidentâs second version of his executive order on immigration. [Keep Reading]
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