The following is a full transcript of remarks President Trump delivered Monday, Aug. 21, regarding the U.S.'s strategy for Afghanistan going forward. [Keep Reading]
Many Americans know the Constitution well -- they understand how it protects their freedoms and paved the way for a great nation to be built. But many more Americans don't know enough about it. How much do you know about the Constitution? [Take the quiz now]
While Afghanistan's government was impressed with President Trumps speech on the U.S.s strategy in the country going forward, with the Afghan ambassador to the U.S. calling it a 10 out of 10, the Taliban was found it old and unclear. [Keep Reading]
During a recent interview with Fox News, Trump said he was seriously considering a presidential pardon for former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio [Keep Reading]
I've written about this issue a few times now, but the Left's spin about Democrats' terrible, deteriorating healthcare law -- which Republicans have failed to replace, in spite of endless promises -- is misleading and not credible. As the story now goes, the reason why Obamacare premiums are soaring by double digits across most of the nation is that Trump-caused "uncertainty" is spooking the market [Keep Reading]
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