The top 10 cities where you can find a blockchain job Blockchain companies, startups, and investors are flocking to select cities across the US. Here's where you can find a job. Today's recommended downloads | (Dell & Intel®) (Dell & Intel®) (Dell & Intel®) (Cylance) (IBM) |
Artificial intelligence: A business leader's guide (free PDF) Companies of all sizes are finding ways to use artificial intelligence to save time and money and boost operational efficiency. This ebook discusses some of the benefits and risks of AI technologies and how they’re affecting business, culture, the economy, and the job market. Do you use technologies like automated ordering kiosks and mobile payment apps? How much information are you willing to give up in exchange for discounts or rewards? Take this quick survey from sister site Tech Pro Research and get a free copy of the research report. A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic | The internet of things embeds intelligence into business processes to let us measure and manage the enterprise in ways that were never possible before. Connect with TechRepublic |