My father contracted Covid-19 a few days before he was eligible for his first vaccine shot, so at this moment I am reading the poem through the lens of his death. I am thinking, with the poem, about protective covers and access and time and survival. Mary Szybist on "We Think We Do Not Have Medieval Eyes" |
"A Brief History of Metaphor in Persian Poetry" "To say a poem in English sounds 'artificial' is to condemn it; the same remark about a pre-modern Persian poem could well elicit the response 'Of course it does; it’s a poem, isn’t it?' And so the fact that a particular metaphor or rhetorical trope has been used by many other poets, and is thought of as intrinsically 'poetic' rather than as colloquial, is not so much a barrier to its continued use as a validation of it." via LIT HUB |
| Poetry Daily stands with the Black community. We oppose racism, oppression, and police brutality. We will continue to amplify diverse voices in the poetry world. Black Lives Matter. |