Hypnotic scales that seem to be the sea.
The pianist plays identical notes
a dozen times, evokes a dozen shades
and shifting harmonies, as the sea turns
in its bed transposing ordinary
wind into dragons. Meanwhile I'm a one-
note wonder, my earnest tug chug-chugging
through the harbor while the sky scrolls and scours
itself for stars, hard to find as sailors
in a typhoon. How fortunate they are
to die that way, drowning in God, while those
of us still here plink-plink and go unheard,
as the child's cry was unheard on the ark,
lost in all the mating howls and bellows.
from the book SONNETS WITH TWO TORCHES AND ONE CLIFF / Carnegie Mellon University Press
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“Sonnet with Ark and Tug” is one of a sequence of 15 sonnets, but like the child’s cry in the poem, it also stands alone. The varieties of jealousy are a theme throughout the book, and here it’s the plink-plinker’s jealousy of the virtuoso musician, the deep loneliness of a quiet child lost in the cacophony of Noah’s ark, the introvert at the Star Wars cantina.

Robert Thomas on "Sonnet with Ark and Tug"
Ada Limon
"US Poet Laureate Ada Limón to Launch Book and Parks Project ‘You Are Here’"

"On April 2, Milkweed Editions, in association with the Library of Congress, will publish “You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World,” which includes a foreword by Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, an introduction by Limón, and poems from Joy Harjo, Jericho Brown and Carl Phillips, among others."

Cover image of David Ferry's book, Some Things I Said
What Sparks Poetry:
Heather Green on Language as Form

“In ‘Some Things I Said,’ David Ferry turns to his own work, his single-authored poems and translations, and draws forth a new poem in a new form, an elemental assemblage of fragments, lines sometimes presented almost exactly as they were in the source poem and other times altered.”
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