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Tyler Kline
The deer approaches the feeder
like a man late to church,
careful not to make any noise.

In the lowering light, I still
see her spine: ridge of pockmarked ash.
Rain rot, a friend once told me

when I had come to see his horses.
Only closer can I spot the flies
forming their dark constellations

across her storm-beaten fur;
the still defeat of her tail
hanging like a rag out the window

of an abandoned car.
On the nightly news, a scientist
is explaining some rare bacteria

that lives only at the bottom of the sea.
Soon the Titanic will disappear completely
she states not as a possibility, but fact.

I think of my father sitting
on a yoga mat last spring.
When I told him to breathe,

picture a green field and then
himself in it, each body part
a petal descending to the ground,

my father asking softly—
Even my eyes?
from the journal BAT CITY REVIEW
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Color headshot of Afghan Poet, Haseeb Ahrari
Afghan Poet Haseeb Ahrari Arrested

"On 1 June 2023, the Taliban reportedly arrested Haseeb Ahrari at his home in Kabul, just weeks after he returned from Iran, where he had been earning a living following the Taliban’s return to power. 'In a country with such a rich literary tradition, where poets are cherished by Afghans of all ages, Ahrari’s arrest is a tragic example of how the Taliban’s rule by repression threatens to undermine Afghanistan’s cultural heritage.'"

Cover image of Don Mee Choi's book, DMZ Colony
What Sparks Poetry:
Jennifer Kronovet on Don Mee Choi's DMZ Colony

"'Cruelty and beauty—how do they coexist?' Don Mee Choi asks this question in the middle of her book DMZ Colony. To say that she answers that question is not quite right. What Choi does is harder: she gives us new ways to think it through—she creates a vocabulary, syntax, multiple codes, maps, and sounds so that we can enter specific devastations, see how they weave, like all colonial disasters, backward and forward in time."
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