Dear Do, | May 17, 2017 |
Latest news GA Wins $400M to Produce 36 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft Northrop Wins $304M for Next 3 Triton Unmanned Aircraft Japan-based US Carrier Back on Patrol Amid Tensions
| The US Navy plans to build four Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, but their technical problems, the lead ship’s $12.9 billion cost and the emergence of new threats suggest these plans be reviewed, according to the CRS. (USN photo) |
News stories from Agence France Presse | ||
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German far-right plot rekindles debate on Nazi-era Wehrmacht | 17/05/2017 | 11:03:48 |
North Korea poses threat to China, Russia: US admiral | 17/05/2017 | 06:00:20 |
UN Security Council weighs tightening sanctions on North Korea | 16/05/2017 | 22:11:04 |
UN Security Council weighs new sanctions on North Korea | 16/05/2017 | 20:20:03 |
US would talk to N. Korea if missile, nuclear tests stop: Haley | 16/05/2017 | 19:57:53 |
UK prison moves to stop drone deliveries of contraband | 16/05/2017 | 18:24:42 |
Latest Feature Stories No article today in this section Latest Press Releases GA Wins $400M to Produce 36 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft Northrop Wins $304M for Next 3 Triton Unmanned Aircraft Japan-based US Carrier Back on Patrol Amid Tensions Congress Orders Pentagon IG Inquiry Into B-21 Bomber Secrecy Southeast Asia Building Up Maritime Defenses MT30 Gas Turbines to Power Next Three Korean Frigates The German Military and its Troubled Traditions Leonardo Board Appoints Alessandro Profumo As New CEO Elbit Wins $166M Electronics Contract In USA CRS Reports on Ford-class Carrier Issues CRS Reports on Issues of Littoral Combat Ship Program CRS Questions Build Rate of Virginia-class Attack Submarines US Navy’s Destroyer Plans Need Congressional Attention Rheinmetall Delivers New Trucks to Australian Army Lockheed Licenses Leg and Knee Augmentation Device DoD Lab Day to Showcase Advanced Technologies Airbus Helicopters Rolls Out 700th H130 German Navy Gets Upgraded Sea King Helicopter Simulator Damen to Develop World’s First 3D-Printed Ship’s Propeller ASC Welcomes Australian Naval Shipbuilding Plan Robotic Co-Pilot Flies and Lands a Simulated Boeing 737 Patria First in Finland to Obtain Military Design Organisation Approval |
Latest Official Reports No article today in this section | Latest Word for Word items No article today in this section |
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