WSWS Newsletter

World Socialist Web Site

New Today -- 16 June 2018


Abolish Washington's immigration Gestapo! Stop the persecution of immigrants!

The abolition of the agencies responsible for mass deportations, workplace raids and the separation of families is a life or death question for the working class.

News & Analysis

Jailing of ex-Trump campaign manager signals new stage in Washington's political wars

The jailing of Manafort expresses the ferocious character of the struggle that is raging between rival factions in the US capitalist class and its state apparatus.

Washington launches trade war measures against China

German government rent by deepening crisis

In wake of UAW convention, Lordstown GM workers speak out on layoffs

Thousands across US rally against Trump administration's attacks on immigrant families

Report documents abuse of Chinese workers at Foxconn supplier plant for Amazon

Thousands gather to mark first anniversary of Grenfell Tower inferno

"I have woken up to the fact that class war still exists, it's alive and kicking"

British government extends censorship of online activity

Despite rising social anger, Macron pledges to step up austerity attacks in France

Political cartoonist fired by right-wing Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editors over anti-Trump cartoons

Omaha Public Schools board cuts $29 million from budget

Defend Julian Assange!

Join the June 17 demonstration in Sydney and June 19 rallies to defend WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange

Film critic, cinema professor and journalist Joseph McBride: Julian Assange "should be freed"

Writer Steven Brust on Assange: "I salute his personal courage and integrity"

Sri Lankan artists speak out in defence of Julian Assange

UK workers demand release of Julian Assange, support international vigils

Socialist Equality Party

Fifty years of the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

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