Editor's Note If you haven't registered for the Writer's Digest Annual Conference in NYC August 12-14 yet, I recommend doing it soon. Registrations have skyrocketed over the past two weeks and space is beginning to running out. There are going to be so many agents, editor, writers and Writer's Digest staff members there, you'll have so many opportunities to learn about getting published. Register now before the event completely sells out. Also, on Tuesday August 9, we are offering a FREE webinar called Metadata: The Key to Online Book Discovery. This gives you some of the behind-the-scenes tips that many writers and publishers who have their websites shoot up the ranking ladder in Google and books come up higher in Amazon searches. Sign up now (again, it's free!). Finally, if you're looking for a set of resources to help drive your personal writing this summer, I recommend the limited-time bundle Writing and Selling Memoirs and Personal Essays Premium Collection. Our editor's have handpicked 11 top guides of information on how to give your story an edge, make it compelling and tell it like a bestselling writer. Check out all the included items here and order now before the promotion ends or it's sold out. Take care of yourself and your writing, Brian A. Klems Senior Online Editor, Writer's Digest Author, Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters Twitter: @BrianKlems Follow Writers Digest on Twitter Become a Writers Digest fan on Facebook
LAST CHANCE: Test Drive for $29 It's true - you CAN actually make a living as a writer. And the one program that showed me how is AWAI's Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. And until July 20th you can test it out risk-free for just $29. Learn more here. Paul Hollingshead, Writer and Fellow Subscriber
| Tips for Creating Voice in Your Writing A strong voice is what will make your character feel authentic to readers. Several friends who have read The Wolf Road have given me the same comment - I forgot you, my friend, wrote it. They don't hear me or my voice in the book at all. Even my mother said the same. This is a good thing. It means the character voice was strong enough to overtake mine. Here are a few things to consider if you're looking to write a story with a strong voice. Read more... |
| 13 Literary Agents Seeking Literary Fiction NOW Sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint which agents are open to submissions at any given time. So with that in mind, I'm creating some new vertical lists of agents seeking queries right now, as of summer 2016. This list is for literary fiction. All the agents listed below personally confirmed to me as of July 2016 that they are actively seeking literary fiction submissions NOW. Some gave personal notes about their tastes while some did not. Good luck querying! Read more... |
Succeed on Your Own Terms! |
| Fierce on the Page Free Shipping Until July 26, 2016 | Veteran author and writing guide Sage Cohen believes that ferocity is your best compass for finding your true way forward. She shows you how to transform your attitude and practices so you can: | • | Unleash your creativity | • | Cultivate your strengths | • | Overcome resistance, fear, and other obstacles | • | Define success on your own terms | • | Move intentionally toward your goals |
| Freelance Writing Workshop: Crafting the Perfect Pitch Breaking into a new magazine or online publication as a freelancer can be a herculean pain. It takes convincing an editor who is (most likely) unfamiliar with you and your work that you can be trusted with an assignment, appropriately understand the tone of the publication, and have the writing and reporting chops to follow through. Read more... |
| Your Submission Tools: How to Write Excellent Queries, Opening Pages, and Synopses Boot Camp (Signups through Wednesday!) During this July 19-22, 2016 boot camp, literary agents will show you how to put together the best query letter, opening pages, and synopsis to hook the attention of Agents and Editors. As you learn what makes up an amazing submission package, 5 literary agents from Corvisiero Literary will tell you what agents look for when reviewing your work. They will help you draft and perfect your query letter, your book synopsis, and the first two pages of your book. Before sending in your pages for critique, you will have a chance to participate in the online Q&A session with the agents. Every participating writer will not only learn how to properly prepare a captivating submission package that will show results, they will also receive a critique with customized tips and suggestions from a literary agent. Here's how it works ... |
| Your Weekly Writing Prompt Writer's Block: With a book deadline fast approaching and an empty document tormenting you on your laptop, you realize you need a change of scenery to get your work done. You go to the airport and take the next flight out. Your travels take you to the gorgeous country of Ireland. But now you need a place to stay. You find your way to a quaint local bed and breakfast: the perfect place to write. Only problem? The attractive owner of the B&B can't take their eyes off of you! Is this the beginning of a new romance, or maybe just the material you needed for your book? Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here .... |
| Writer's Market Podcast Have you been listening to the Writer's Market podcast? If not, get with the program; it's free and available to all. Click to continue. Each episode is hosted by WritersMarket.com editor Robert Lee Brewer and WritersDigest.com editor Brian A. Klems and features interviews with publishing and media professionals who are hand-selected for their ability to provide freelance writers with advice to find more success with their writing and freelancing goals. Here's a recap of the first four episodes: Grants for Writers with C. Hope Clark. The founder of Funds for Writers shares advice on finding often overlooked money available for writers, tips on overcoming anxiety at conferences, and how to break into the conference circuit. Tax Tips for Writers with CPA Carol Topp. Learn about the best way to handle taxes, make deductions, and decide upon a business structure-for your freelance business-by listening to the advice from CPA Carol Topp. Building a Freelance Writing Career with Carol Tice. Super successful freelance writer Carol Tice shares her best advice for writers on how to break into new markets, make more money, and more! How to Start Freelance Writing with Zachary Petit. Learn tips on how to have successful interviews, make pitches, and more-from the author of The Essential Guide to Freelance Writing. Oprah Book Club's First Author Gives Writing & Publishing Advice. Learn tips from someone who is both a writer and an acquisitions editor (and also the very first author chosen by Oprah for her book club). Look for one to two new podcast episodes each month. |