A thriving multicultural centre, western Sydney is a microcosm of Australia. But are the opportunities available to all or do some sections of the community miss out?
| | This week on Q+A, we head to western Sydney to tackle the issues that are hitting households right across Australia’s suburban heartland. From the cost-of-living crisis to educational opportunities and the rental squeeze – we’ll discuss the issues that are impacting people’s lives and livelihoods around the country. We’ll also delve into the week in politics and a scathing report that uncovered systemic bullying and widespread sexual harassment in the NSW parliament. Catherine Cusack quit the NSW Liberal party last week, describing the culture as “toxic” and joins our panel. And federal politics has been rocked by revelations that Scott Morrison secretly swore himself into additional portfolios while he was PM. As the flood recovery continues, what do those left to pick up the pieces still need to get their lives back on track? Just how well-prepared are we for the next major weather event and are our emergency services equipped to handle future disasters? A thriving multicultural centre, western Sydney is a microcosm of Australia. But are the opportunities available to all or do some sections of the community miss out? And how can education empower the next generation to find their voices and possibly the answers to some of the biggest problems facing society? And is multitasking a myth? We’ll have international bestselling author Johann Hari on the panel, explaining why our ever-shorter attention spans may not be our fault. Joining Stan Grant on the panel: Johann Hari, Author, Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention Murray Watt, Minister for Emergency Management and Agriculture Catherine Cusack, Former NSW Liberal Member of the Legislative Council Winnie Dunn, General Manager, Sweatshop Literacy Movement Blak Douglas, Archibald Prize-winning artist and musician Please submit a question now via our website by 9am Thursday for the chance to ask the panel. Scroll down to watch Thursday's toughest question asked by Sulin Ho, who wanted to know about the escalation of tensions in the Asia Pacific. 👇 Watch Q+A Thursday 8.30pm on ABC TV, streamed live 8.30pm AEST on ABC iview or on our website. |
| Get to know the panellists |
| In his new book, Stolen Focus, Johann Hari explores what is going on in our minds, and in our worlds, that stops us paying attention in meaningful ways. | MORE |
In May, Blak Douglas won the Archibald Prize for his portrait of Wiradjuri artist Karla Dickens, in a piece that reflects on the impact of the devastating floods that hit NSW in February and March. | MORE |
In April, former NSW Liberal MLC Catherine Cusack labelled Scott Morrison "a ruthless self-serving bully who has no moral compass." Catherine recently left the NSW parliament, citing a "toxic workplace". | MORE |
Sulin Ho asks if China conducting military drills in the Taiwan Strait signals an intention to escalate - or if China simply "flexing their muscles". | WATCH |
| Sharan Burrow says the global economic model has "failed working people" while creating more billionaires, and needs to be reformed to reduce inequality and ensure people are earning enough to live with dignity. | WATCH |
Q+A looks beyond our borders, to some of the big global issues that are causing ripples around the world, and here at home. | WATCH |
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