Hi Jon, Before we say goodbye to these papers, I wanted to give you one more chance to download them to your library! The Journey to 400/800G Has Begun. Take a deep-dive into the applications, trends and technologies driving the adoption of 400/800G as well as key industry insights that will help you prepare your own organization for the road ahead. Advanced Data Center Solutions Application & Product Guide Take a look at our portfolio of Advanced Data Center solutions that have been designed from the ground up to support your data center requirements for now and the future. Explore our data center solutions & products by downloading our latest application guide. The Road to 400/800G is Paved! A decade ago, enterprise data center managers were looking at infrastructure requirements to prepare for a migration from 1 to 10 Gigabit Ethernet for server connections and 10G to 40G/100G for uplinks.. Both 400G and 800G offer broad market potential for both enterprise and cloud data centers. Thank you! Caroline Massa Data Center Knowledge These papers are provided by: |