Good morning reader, I hope you're getting the kettle on and looking forward to an action-packed or relaxing Saturday - whichever you prefer. News today. Or maybe you're planning a meal out, or a beer in your local tonight? The sector would undoubtedly welcome your custom, as they've got a few worries at the moment. Our story this morning reveals how thousands of Scottish hospitality businesses believe they will be left worse off than their counterparts down south due to the Scottish Budget. Find out why here. Most of you will remember the famous claim by Alex Salmond that the 2014 referendum would be a "once in a generation opportunity" for Scottish independence. Today, an SNP MSP tells our political editor, Alistair Grant, that this was a turn of phrase and not meant to be taken literally.
Read more here. Finally, Alison Campsie reports on a second workers camp for around 450 contractors planned for a Scottish island. Read about that here. Have a good weekend. The Scotsman team |