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December 5, 2020

Here’s a roundup of TNR’s most-read articles following the 2020 race for the White House. To ensure you don’t miss out on more of the best independent journalism in the country, subscribe today.

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The Media Is Finally Tuning Trump Out

On Wednesday, the president delivered one of the most insane speeches of his political career. The press barely batted an eye.

By Alex Shephard


Joe Biden’s Cabinet Is a Lost Cause for the Left It’s time for insurgents to make a break from the Democratic establishment and hone America’s future outside the halls of power.By Osita Nwanevu
America Is Run by Geezers In an election between two septuagenarians, the elderly dominated turnout like never before—more than offsetting a surge in the youth vote.By Timothy Noah


The Damage Is the Point

Trump may not be able to extend his reign, but he can aid and abet his party by further curtailing the right to vote.

By Matt Ford
Here Come the AdultsBiden’s Cabinet is shaping up to be everything that Trump’s was not.
By Walter Shapiro


An Epidemic of Arrogance on the Supreme Court Under cover of Covid-19, the high court’s conservative bloc is dreaming up some radical ideas about religious freedom and public health.By Matt Ford
How to Cover a Normal Cabinet Joe Biden’s nominees aren’t the monstrosities of the Trump administration. But they still deserve an appropriate level of scrutiny.By Alex Shephard


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