Dear Oxford Club Reader, This may seem strange... But I'm excited about today. Yes... I know... The market is down BIG. Tariffs are rocking the market. But... it also presents a unique opportunity we've discussed around the Oxford Club a few times. It's a way to turn AWFUL market days like today... into the chance at overnight payouts up to 157% the very next morning! Just last week this same setup happened when China released their AI... and markets fell 3% in one day. Those who knew the secret made a nice win the very next morning! I saw post after post listing impressive returns... Quentin gets the prize for the biggest gain... 200% OVERNIGHT! "Made 200% on QQQ and SPY from yesterday's Dark Ticker... thx Bryan! -- Quinton E. 9.39 a.m. And history says that on days when the market is down biggest, this ticker will rise the next day over 90% of the time. For example, on September 25th, the market dropped 1.4%. 24 hours later, this special ticker was up 114%. On May 29th, the market dropped 1%. This special trade went up 92% overnight! On June 24th, the market dropped over 1%. This special ticker delivered 64% just 24 hours later. This is why I'm sharing this video with you explaining how the trade works. I suggest watching it now. Because you must make the trade between 4 and 4:15 pm today to take advantage. To big wins, Todd |