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Dear Reader,

Have you heard of a guy called Fred Harrison?

Fred is one of the giants whose shoulders I stood on to create the predictive Grand Cycle formula.

He’s a British author, economist and Research Director of the London-based Land Research Trust. He is a graduate of the Universities of Oxford and London.

But, most importantly, Harrison has succeeded where many others have failed, and has correctly predicted major turning points in the UK and US property markets years before they happen.

A former journalist, Harrison began to take a strong interest in economics in the late 70s. In 1983 he published his first economically related book, The Power in the Land, which predicted the economic crisis of the early 90s, almost a full decade in advance. He followed this with a 10-year forecast (published in The Chaos Makers,1997) that a global financial crisis would be triggered when house prices peaked in 2007. He wrote:

By 2007 Britain and most of the other industrially advanced economies will be in the throes of frenzied activity in the land market…Land prices will be near their 18-year peak…on the verge of the collapse that will presage the global depression of 2010.

The two events will not be coincidental: the peak in land prices not merely signalling the looming recession, but being the primary cause of it.

Harrison published the first edition of a more recent book, Boom-Bust: House Prices, Banking and the Depression of 2010, in the year of 2005, well before the recent peak.

He also, spent a decade-long campaign to help the people of Russia reform their economy, after the fall of communism. However, as he was to find, there were powerful forces that will never allow his type of fiscal reform anywhere in the world.

Fred has written real estate ‘bubbles’ can be neutralised, but governments refuse to reform the financial system. They are now laying the foundations for the next global property boom/bust, which will create even greater devastation than that which followed the implosion of the West’s banks in 2008.

More recently Fred has been using video and social media to expand on his 18-year cycle theory.

His extraordinary capacity to predict turning points in the economy is also starting to attract the attention of the world’s media.

His 18-year cycle prediction has not only secured him publicity in the UK’s national media, but also international media like the BBC TV World Service, and his 18-year formulation is also starting to enter the analysis of the financial sector.

Fred believes these things work in 18-year cycles and are very predictable.

He states the cause of the problem is land prices being too lightly taxed.

Until this is reformed, these 18-year cycles will reoccur. Politicians have got the message, but they choose to ignore it.

If YOU don’t ignore it…if you make the effort to understand it…you can give yourself a MASSIVE advantage when it comes to investing.

To find out how, read this.


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Phil Anderson,
For Markets & Money

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