No images? Click here SPONSORED CONTENT This Ford GT40 MKIII is a rare gem - and it could be yoursAlmost every classic car fan would want to own one of Ford's legendary GT40s - but with so few built owning one is a pipe dream for many. ChromeCars' 1967 Ford GT 40 MKIII recreation could be your chance to turn that dream into a reality. MAGAZINE5 collector cars to put into your garage this weekMAGAZINETreat yourself this November with some fine watches from DreweattsSPONSORED CONTENT How to become a drift king on a frozen Formula 1 circuit in LaplandCD SHOP Find the perfect presents for car lovers in the new CD ShopMARKETDealer Spotlight: Autoluce by ErredibimotoriAUCTIONSClassic Car Auctions - Classic Motorcycles & Mopeds in HeerdeShare Tweet Share Forward