| It was one of the most humiliating moments in Barbara's life… It felt like she'd just been harassed by the school-yard bully, but she was far from her school days. Barbara was a 67-year-old professional woman sitting in a meeting with her co-workers. All of whom were younger than her… even her boss was half her age… But as the meeting was about to start, a much-younger co-worker played a cruel prank on Barbara… It was mean, and it was vicious… and it proved her younger colleagues now considered her to be “stupid” and “forgetful.” But that didn't stop the entire room from erupting in laughter… to be clear; they were laughing at her… But what Barbara did next shocked everyone… What she did took courage… courage that can only come from being the oldest person in the room… While everyone was laughing… Barbara got up from her chair… She walked to the conference room door… and locked it… The next 3-minutes changed Barbara's life forever… She's no longer the butt of anyone's jokes… She's regained their respect… >>>See what Barbara did in those 3-minutes. It just might change your life, too. | | | | | | Stay strong and healthy! Mary Ann McGarrett | |
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