How to keep your claims totally compliant
If you are having trouble reading this email, read the online version | | From cleaning products to cars to chocolate, many household brands have had their sustainability claims called into question. They've been accused of greenwashing, which is making your product seem better for the environment than it actually is. Check out all the allegations from
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| | What's motivating companies to promote these claims? The data shows consumers are choosing sustainability and they're willing to pay more for it. |
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| | Who's making these allegations? NAD, the National Advertising Division and ASA, the Advertising Standards Authority |
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| Don't let this happen to you! MarketReady Insights works with brands to make sure their claims are compliant while still drawing in the right customers. |
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| | From cleaning products to cars to chocolate, many household brands have had their sustainability claims called into question. They've been accused of greenwashing, which is making your product seem better for the environment than it actually is. Check out all the allegations from
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| | What's motivating companies to promote these claims? The data shows consumers are choosing sustainability and they're willing to pay more for it. |
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| | Who's making these allegations? NAD, the National Advertising Division and ASA, the Advertising Standards Authority |
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| Don't let this happen to you! MarketReady Insights works with brands to make sure their claims are compliant while still drawing in the right customers. |
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